Halal Slaughtering Procedure

  • The animals are selected properly.

    The animals are selected from standard farmers and suppliers.
  • Receiving

    The animals are brought in from standard farmers and suppliers, using company vehicles.
  • Unloading

    The animals are unloaded form the trucks.
  • Screening

    After the animals are unloaded they are screened before being transfered to to the holding shelters.
  • Transferring To The Holding Shelter

    The animals are transfered to the holding shelter.
  • Transferring To The Lairage

    After they rest well, the animals are transfered to the Lairage.
  • Anti-Morteum Inspection

    The animals are then inspected carefully before they are slaughtered.
  • Slaughtering Hall

    The animals are then transfered into the slaughtering hall.
  • Slaughtering

    Once in the slaughtering hall they are made to go in one by one for the slaughtering.
  • Hoisting

    Once they are slaughtered they are hoisted on a mechanical hook. This helps to drain the rest of the blood out.
  • Flanking

    Once they are decapitated completely they pass for the flanking process. This is where the limbs are removed so the animals can be skinned.
  • Skinning

    Modjo has experienced skinners who skin the animals with extreme care and efficiency.
  • Evisceration

    Once they are skinned, the animals’ offal is removed, in this Evisceration process.
  • Post Morteum Inspection

    After evisceration, the carcass, along with the removed offal is inspected before passing on to the washing process.
  • Carcass Weighing

    After the carcasses are inspected they are weighed. The Pastoralists are paid according to this weight.
  • Carcass Washing

    After the animals are weighed they are hoisted back on the hook to pass through the washing cabinet. Here they are washed by pressurized water.
  • Trimming

    The carcass is then carefully trimmed to remove unwanted parts of the skin and meat.
  • Decontamination

    Once properly trimmed, the carcasses are sprayed with organic acid to decontaminate them.
  • Dripping

    The carcasses are then left to drip the rest of the blood if there is any left before they are transfered into the chiller rooms.
  • Chilling

    Once the carcasses are moved into the chiller rooms, where they are chilled properly.
  • Packaging Room

    Once the carcasses are chilled properly, they are moved into the packaging room.
  • Labeling

    The carcasses are labeled before they are packed. This helps to track the carcasses as they are shipped to customers.
  • Packing

    The carcasses are covered carefully with stockinette to keep them fresh and clean till they get to the customers.
  • Weighing

    Once the carcasses are packed properly, they are weighed one final time before they are loaded for shipping.
  • Loading

    Once the carcasses are weighed, they are tied properly and hanged inside specialized transportation trucks owned by the abattoir.
  • Shipping

    Once the carcasses are loaded they are ready for shipping. These specialized trucks are fitted with refrigerators to make sure the meat reaches customers fresh and safe.
  • Happy Customers

    The abattoir delivers meat to happy customers, as it has done for over a decade.